
Empty Bows makes big impact


The statistics are sobering.

As more people find themselves in financial distress, the demand for services at the Highlands Food Pantry is continuing to boom.

Mayor on Duty - 9.14.23


We are in the season of wonderful community events.  This past weekend, the entire community enjoyed a well-done Dazzling Dahlia Festival.  I want to thank the festival’s organizing committee and t

Mayor on Duty - 9.7.23


I attended a wonderful tribute to the late Katherine Willoughby at the Shakespeare and Me Bookstore last Friday afternoon. Mrs.

Mayor on Duty - 8.31.23


At the community coffee this past Friday, I presented several ideas about future challenges facing our mountain community, and my presentation was followed by good discussions.

Storm passes but offers reminder


While it looks like Hurricane Idalia is going to pass by to Highlands’ south and east today and tomorrow, sparing the plateau of any significant impacts, the storm serves as a necessary reminder th