
Mayor on Duty


The town board will hold its February meeting tonight at the Highlands Community Center next to the ball field. It will begin at 7 p.m., with public comment being the first agenda item.

Six more weeks


Punxsutawney Phil probably didn’t consult the Highlands area weather map before making his bold prediction Wednesday that the United States will experience six more weeks of winter.

Mayor on Duty


As of this past Tuesday the Highlands Town Board began a review of STR ordinance recommendations from the Highlands Planning Board.  The members of the Highlands Planning Board met a number of time

A step forward or back?


It may have been a step forward, or a step back, whichever way you look at it or whatever side of the argument you are on when it comes to the Highlands Planning Board’s final decision of sending r

Mayor on Duty


On Monday night, the Highlands Planning Board completed a review of the draft proposal for amending town ordinances related to short term rentals.

Town should steer STR process


Mr. Willard’s statement, “we are trying to bend to meet the needs of the wedding industry in our town,” quoted in the Jan.

Snow priorities


A new 2021 Bentley Flying Spur will run you roughly $210,000.

A loaf of bread, gallon of milk, or almost any other basic grocery item can be had for less than $5.

Mayor on Duty


Let me give you an account of the worries of a mayor.  Recent worries started at the first of last week with a vague forecast of an impending winter storm.  National forecasters were talking about