Sunshine Week


While the skies above Highlands may be overcast, with rain in the immediate forecast, the week of March 13-19 is always a time to celebrate sunshine.

Sunshine Week, founded in 2005 by the American Society of News Editors, is designed to heighten awareness about the importance of open government, freedom of information, and advocate for change where change is needed.

The people’s right to know is one of the pillars that democracy is built on. Having an open, transparent, and accessible government is in both the best interest of the elected officials in office and the public whom they represent – and ultimately report to at the polls.

Unfortunately, the state of North Carolina does not have the greatest track record when it comes to information being made public. For example, the state maintains personnel files that are off limits to the public. When a government employee is transferred, demoted, or terminated for disciplinary reasons, those records remain sealed.

The NC Legislature has a chance to make history by enacting legislation that opens public employee personnel files to inspection when bosses or elected leaders take disciplinary action. Passed last year by a bipartisan majority in the N.C. Senate, the Government Transparency Act of 2021 would open personnel files in cases of misconduct by public school teachers and professors, city and county managers, and state and local law enforcement officers.

While the unsealing of personnel files of public employees may sound like a no-brainer, the legislation has been met with opposition by some union groups, employee rights groups and lobbyists. Previous drafts of the bill, which date back to 1997, have never passed the House.

It’s too early to tell if the Government Transparency Act of 2021 will ever be made law, but the bill is one to keep an eye on during a mid-term election year. Public support would undoubtedly lend momentum to it potentially passing.

The ability to access information related to the day-to-day operations of government is integral to a free society. Sunshine Week is the perfect time to recommit to fair, open and responsible governance.